Is your bed a little empty? Are you still wanting someone to share your headphones? Someone to send a text message with “what do you want for dinner?” Anyone else to tag in your Facebook photos? A plus one of the seemingly endless weddings?

It seems you have to figure out how to get a boyfriend.

Many girls will wait for a man to approach, perhaps out of shyness, perhaps because of an old sense of tradition or maybe because they do not like the hard work of checking the mud to find their special someone. However, if you feel a bit more energetic and determined, here is my security method to get a boyfriend. Get ready, because it is quite deep.


In order to be “in the zone” for that state, you will have to make some changes. Getting up every day and focusing on the hair on your upper lip, or the fact that your love handles make it look like you have two sets of hips is not conducive to seducing an OS.
If you think I’m about to channel that horrible Protein World ad, you’re wrong. Do not worry about losing weight, waxing or anything you do not feel like doing. Instead, increase your confidence by paying some attention to the areas that you love. Do you have delicious lips? Treat yourself with an incredible shadow of lips that makes you feel invincible. Proud of your perfect nails? Get a manicure that gives you that princess feeling. In love with your long, flowing strands? Invest in a statement stating that instantly assures you that you feel special.

Sigh. It is not. You do not have to spend money to get a boyfriend; You can knit a new headband if you wish. It’s just a way to subtly alter how you feel about yourself. For me, an easy way to increase my confidence and make myself attractive is to accentuate my favorite physical features in a new, slightly daring way, but true to my own style. But if you get the same kick out with an affirmative friend, or go on a trip, then do it. Go with your instinct and let it take you to self-satisfied sensuality.

When you are in a relationship, you automatically enter what I like to call ‘Do not look at me’ mode. It’s a way to make sure you do not end up in uncomfortable situations with other men squeaking in clubs, thinking you’re single. Then what do you do? You keep your head down, and just flirt in a light, slightly uncomfortable manner, usually mentioning your boyfriend in any other sentence.

Then, suddenly, you are single, and you have completely forgotten how not to be in this state of mind. This is not the way to get a boyfriend. The usual cycle is the desperation of launching the “Note Me Me Right Now” mode, which fades gently into the most attractive “You can tell me if you want the mode”. This transition can take weeks, months or even years. But there are three little tricks to skip the desperate phase and glide gracefully in a charming indifference:

1. Do a lot of things

Hang with your friends. Rediscover a hobby. Go to exhibitions Attend those networking events that you always avoid. Hit dating sites. Being out of the house That way you do not have to sit there worrying about how you’re going to have a boyfriend. And it’s more likely that interesting things happen to you, which means you’ll have many dating anecdotes.

2. Analyze as many men as physically possible

Men can seem terrifying when they are strangers, which is probably their future boyfriend at this stage. One way to resolve this insecurity is to really look at them. Instead of having an instant “push” or “vomit” reaction, evaluate your personality and your fitness. What are you reading on the tube? What are you saying to your mother on the phone at the cafe? Do it with strangers, colleagues, friends of friends. You will feel affectionate with the men you left aside right away with just a few details, and you will also be surprised that some of the magnificent specimens are disconnected. This does three things: it normalizes men, so you do not feel nervous around them. It also gives you hope: you will fall in love again. And it gives you an idea of what kind of man you would like to go out with.

3. Look people in the eye.

This works especially well when you feel a little like nobody wants to go out with you ever. Get on the train and look each man in the eye. Let them adapt to see you as if you were a body and watch the transition when they realize that you are a woman, a person. You will see them warm in all kinds of different ways. Some men can smile back in a fatherly way. Some might send you a cheeky wink. Some may seem moved or vulnerable. And some will look at you with genuine attraction and intrigue. So what does this do? It makes you feel interesting and attractive and undaunted in the face of new interactions. It makes you feel brave. And it’s a useful way to learn to read expressions and see if you like it or not.

This is the point where women often stop making an effort and just assume that someone will approach them and buy them a martini. Unfortunately, British men are not as kind as we would like them to be, and sometimes they need a little help.

The good news is that this bit is the easiest anyway, just mix the three points above. Being out of the house Look at a boy. He interrogates him. Listen to him. Analyze it Look. Let me look at you. Read his expression At this point, you should master the ‘smile’ and be able to read if he thinks you are something hot or not. What happens next will depend on you, but the most important thing is to have enough confidence to approach and say hello, or to make it incredibly obvious with your body language that you would like it to come to you. Strangely, and contrary to expectations, often the former is less shameful because the latter can lead to some heart-rending gestures.

Or, of course, you can avoid all this horror simply by organizing a match date.

The first conversations are wild, but use the situation you are in to guide you, and relax and inform you. If you are in an exhibition, talk about the weirdest painting. If you’re in a bar, talk about what the cocktails are like. If you are on the street, ask if you have seen an Eat somewhere because you are desperately craving your little chili cracker sandwiches.

Is not difficult. Take a strange or funny thing they say and turn it into ‘one thing’. Be passionate, be yourself, do not take anything too seriously. Formal and forced means not going, but if it matches and meets your tone, you are ready. He wants to see you again, so do not be afraid to offer your number.

You’ve gone on a date or five. You have probably kissed. Maybe you have slept with him (Note: sleep with him the moment you think “Go, I really want to sleep with him.” There is no right or wrong time and should not affect whether you will leave or not.)

Either way, how do you do your boyfriend?

The simple and disappointing answer is no.

You can not make someone your boyfriend, fool! This is not Harry Potter! This is where you have to be strong enough to see when something does not work. If you have five dates and you feel completely comfortable with the boy, sex has been very fun, and you have suspected that you share the same values: politely, inform him that you would like to do this official because you think he is incredibly incredible. He will probably correspond.
And if he doesn’t do it? It means you missed something. You were not for each other and he understood. This does not mean that I should continue to see it ‘just in case’ or ‘try to make it work’. It means that unfortunately he says goodbye to this promising track and leaves and starts the whole process again until he finds the guy who says yes. The boy who feels exactly like you.

How to get a boyfriend? You stay strong, keep looking and you will know when you find it because you will feel as if you are always there.